The latest version of my book Achieving Collaborative Success is now freely available to read and download. Click on my picture to get it.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory

Here is a great free resource for those who want to assess how their collaboration is doing re. 20 research tested success factors:

 Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory

All the factors make perfect sense but, for me, two stand out:

  • Establishing informal relationships and communication links
  • Having a unique purpose   

Time and time again I see the ability to develop informal relationships being highlighted as essential to successful collaborative working.

Identifying a unique purpose is a great and inspiring way of defining what partners in a collaboration can achieve together that single organisations would find difficult to achieve alone.


  1. Thank you for posting Wilder Foundation's Collaboration Inventory as a free resource. Updated research from the authors of the 3rd edition of Collaboration: What Makes It Work added two new factors. They are reflected in the updated inventory tool. For access to the free online inventory, visit:

  2. Thanks Ann! The above link did not work. So, for those that want to access the new inventory, here is another link:

    1. The above link will need to be copied and pasted into the browser.
